Whether you want to take over the world or take over your house, it’s going to require something of you. The focus for this month is Health. But not so much from the perspective of weight loss, but more from the perspective of creating the energy to live the life you want to live.
You may see so much for your life and I love and encourage that for you, but will you be able to accomplish this on an empty tank? There are so many ways to fill that empty tank.. I love me some Coffee!! But more coffee is not the solution. Sorry babes. It’s gonna take putting fuel into your body that will truly provide energy.
One other mistake we make is NO fuel (food). I have a question would you send your kid to school with only coffee and no nutrition??? I seriously doubt it.. So why do you do it to you?? We self sabotage our result when we put crappy or NO fuel into the vessel called the body.Can you tell me what is the single most important necessity to ensure having enough energy. So How do you do that you may ask??
5 easy steps to get the health out of your life.
1. Get your annual physical exam. If you have insurance this is a must and it’s FREE!! 2. Food journal, start by documenting what you eat everyday. If will give you a visual of how much you do and don’t eat. And the total amount of calories is often surprisingly higher than we think. 3. Set a Health goal by starting with one lifestyle change. For example, Drink 1 cup of coffee a day instead of 5. 4. Increase your water intake. I was challenged a year ago to drink a gallon of water by my Esthetician friend. It has changed my skin, My GI tract (LOL) and my energy. 5. Get out and move or just get off the couch in the living room and start walking. Doing something is better.
These are just a few steps you can take to get the energy out of your life… Now it’s up to you..What are you gonna do??
Keep reaching for your SWEETEST LIFE,Stephanie J For more like this check out the challenge coming up in June and get your Complimentary Health Tracker, click here
Thank you for being you.