Self Care is more than a Bubble Bath
This Month on My Instagram Page,, We are talking about REAL Self Care.
Yes, Bubble Baths, Massages and Pedicures are important to maintain yourself as a woman, but the truest self care starts in the MIND.
This month the M.A.D.E. Series starts its first installations to help you to create REAL Self Care.
What is M.A.D.E?
M- Get your Mind Right. Start with the Head. Getting your mind right starts with addressing the issues in your head that keep you from becoming the HIGHEST version of yourself, e.g anxiety, depression, negative self talk. Mental health is an area that creates a large amount of stigma in our society. If you have areas in your mind that keep you from operating at your highest potential, address these areas IMMEDIATELY.
A- Get your Attitude right. Changing your perspective. How you respond to the challenges of life can change how you feel and how others feel toward you. ATTITUDE is EVERYTHING. How you approach everyday, as a matter of fact, every situation, will truly determine the results you see. Other people will react to your reaction. I have found in life that the more positive I am the easier it is for others to respond the same way. But that relationship works for the negative too. If I come at someone funky, I will likely get funky thrown right back at me.. There’s a scripture in the bible, “ A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength,” Proverbs 17:22. Have a good spirit and spread that positive ATTITUDE.
D-Get a Drive. Always have something you’re driving toward. Something that challenges you to be the highest version of yourself. When you wake up everyday do you have a purpose. Or is waking up just a routine to get through another day on earth until it’s time to call it quits!!! God never intended for us to just show up. We were all placed here with a specific talent. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “ plan to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11. God’s plan is for you to keep working toward what he has placed inside you. Always have a Drive and a Dream and never give up on YOU!!
E-Get your Energy right. Keep your body health and strong so you can operate at your highest level. Exercise and Balanced healthy eating is a must. Never has healthy information been so easily accessible. The internet, and social media have opened the door to so much information there is absolutely NO EXCUSE. We can’t operate in our fullest potential if we are dog, dead tired or we have Chronic illness holding us back. Keep your body working to its fullest potential. Think of your car, if you never give it regular maintenance will it operate well?? Are you NOT more important to the future of the world?? You only get one body, use it well!!!!
Keep these concepts in mind as you move through your day. Do a little Self Care Checklist to determine if you are doing what you need for REAL self care.
Keep reaching for your Sweetest Life,
Stephanie J.
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Youtube- The sweet life of Stephanie J