I’M SO BORED ,said no adult woman EVER… How many hours do you get in a day?? And how many more do you need? I can answer the first question, you get 24 hrs. That’s it so let’s break this down a little.
Let’s say you start your day at;
6:00 am- a generous 1.5 to get dressed and off to our day
30 min. Commute
8 hr. Day (45 min breaks/lunch)
30 min commute home.
So right about now it’s almost 5:00 pm.
I’ll give you my past scenario:
Leave work, Pick up child #1 from school, Drive her 30 min. Across town to practice. ( commute increase to 1.5 hrs)
Get home around 6:00 pm.
Drop child #2 off to work, return home around 6:45 pm
If you’re lucky enough to have a better half about this time hopefully he has kicked in to gear.
You’re Exhausted
You’re Hungry
And You’re plain Frustrated that now you have to think of something for dinner!! HELP!!
I know for me I got Sick and tired of being Sick and tired.. I wanted to enjoy my Weekdays, not dread them, praying for the weekend to come.
And my life changed. And you know if my life changed, my family’s lives changed too.
If you're Interested in Changing your life and the Lives around you, Then join me October 28, 6:00 pm EST,
FREE Meal Prep 1.0, To claim you seat
Click the link Below, for this opportunity to Take Back your Time, Freedom and Peace of Mind, join the Webinar to find our how.
Keep Reaching for your Sweetest Life,
Stephanie J
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